Frequently Asked Questions

If you do not get the information you need in this section please feel free to give us a call.


1. “Can I buy a prepaid meter from MobiPower and use it on somebody else’s vending system?”

  • Yes you can. The prepaid meters supplied by MobiPower are all programmed with a default Supply Group Code (SGC). This mean that ANY certified Standard Transfer Specification (STS) vending system CAN accept a default meter onto that system. This is achieved through a process called a Key Change. Send us an email if you need more information on this process.

2. “Who installs my meter bought from MobiPower?”

  • Meters supplied by us are delivered to you via our couriers. It’s is your responsibility to install the meter using qualified electrician. For local installers in your area please send us an email.

3. “What is STS and what does it mean to me?”

  • STS stands for Standard Transfer Specification. STS is a secure message system for carrying information between a vending system and a meter as a 20 digit code. Its a industry standard that governs all STS meters and vending systems.
  • STS means you as a consumer have a choice of what meters to buy and which service provider you want to use. STS ensures that the meter is independent of the vending service provider and you can change service providers at ANY stage. t.

4. “Can I buy a meter from you and replace my Eskom/Municipal meter?”

  • Unfortunately not. Although the meters are most often the same as what Eskom or the municipalities use, Eskom and municipalities have an obligation to supply their customers with a metering service. Technically our meters can be registered on any Eskom or municipal system but this is not accommodated by Eskom or municipalities at this time. Please contact Eskom or your municipality to apply for a prepayment meter.

5. “What is a vending system and vending system service provider?”

  • A Vending System is the computer and accounting system through which a 20 digit STS token is generated and delivered. A STS prepaid meter must be registered on a vending system before it can be of any use. Vending system are provide by municipal and private Vending System Services Providers.

6. “What is a token ?”

  • This is the 20 digit STS number that you get from the service provider. This number is what you type into the meter to load credit into the meter.

7. “Where can I buy electricity?”

  • Electricity is sold through different service providers in private sector. Each service provider typically only supply tokens for meters registered on their vending systems. Municipal customer can buy directly from the municipality. Please contact your service provider or municipality for more information.

8. “How do I enter a 20 digit token into my meter?”

  • You simply type the 20 digits into the meter using the meter keypad. The meter will either automatically accept the token on entry of the last digit or you might have to press “enter” – typically the # key.

“What is a Supply Group Code or SGC and how does it affect my meter?”

A Supply Group Code (SGC) is unique to a service provider or municipality. This code links your meter exclusively to a particular service provider ensuring a single responsible entity for revenue collection for your meter. A meter supplied by MobiPower can be recoded or key changed to ANY vending service provider’s system.

9. “What tariff am I charged on?”

  • The tariff you are charged on is determined by your service provider. Please contact your service provider or you local supply authority.

10. “What should I do if my product is not working or functioning properly?”

  • Within the first 6 months after you received them from MobiPower, we will repair them, replace them or give you a refund, provided that it is a material defect, and that the defect did not develop as a result of abuse, fair wear and tear, or through not following our or the manufacturer’s and instructional materials. If the product shows a defect after the initial 6 month period, but still within the manufacturer’s warranty period, MobiPower will send the goods to the manufacturer for repair and the manufacturer will decide whether you have a valid claim and if so, whether they will repair, replace or refund. If the product becomes defective once the manufacturer’s warranty has expired, MobiPower can arrange with the manufacturer or its agent to repair them. No repairs will be done without you approving a quotation first.

11. “What if I purchased a product and it doesn’t fulfil the purpose I initially bought it for?”

  • If you indicated a particular purpose for which you intend using the goods to a salesperson/call centre agent or any of marketing materials confirmed that you will be able to use the product for that specific purpose, you may return the product within 14 working days after you purchased it. If it turns out that the goods are not suitable for the purpose you anticipated and subject to our rights in law MobiPower has the right to charge you for use and to get the goods fit for re-stocking; in certain cases MobiPower will be able to give you a refund.

12. “PLC Error 30 … what now?”

  • So you have an error 30 on your keypad? This might help. This means the keypad cannot communicate to the meter. Your meter is a PLC (powerline carrier) meter meaning it communicates via the house electrical wires. Check and do the following: You will have to “wake-up” the keypad by pressing the i key if there is no power to the keypad.

1. Make sure the keypad is plugged into a wall socket and the wall socket switched on. It must not be plugged into a multi-plug with other appliances. Remove other appliances from the same socket.
2. If the error persist, plug the keypad into a socket as close as possible to the main electrical panel. Check is the error persist.
3. If the house power is off make sure you have new batteries in the keypad else plug it into a socket at your neighbour who has power. Don’t worry you will not load your credit onto your neighbours meter.
4. If the error persist, plug the keypad into a socket as close to the main electrical panel as possible and switch off the oven, geyser, lights and plug circuits EXCEPT the circuit on which the keypad is plugged in. Check is error clears.


  • If the error persist you will need to contact your service provider or local council for further assistance.
  • If you dropped the keypad and it rattles inside … it likely to be broken. Get it replaced.
  • NOTE: The communication between the meter and the keypad can be influenced and disrupted intermittently or permanently by kitchen appliances, CFL and fluorescent lights, computers and electronics equipment that create interference (noise) on the house AC wiring. Unplug or isolate these items during the above process.

13. “What are DN sizes in inches for water meters? DN is measured in mm”

  • DN15 (1/2 inch) , DN20 (3/4 inch) DN 25 (1 inch), DN40 (1-1/2 inch), DN50 (2 inch), DN65 (2-1/2 inch), DN80 (3 inch), DN100 (4 inch), DN150 (6 inch), DN200 (8 inch), DN250 (10 inch) & DN300 (12 inch)
Mobi Power (Pty) Ltd